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- Email: huiyi123net_may@126.com
- Cell Phone: 0086-18621626037
- QQ: 2934920393
2025 7th International Conference on Agricultural Science and Biotechnology invites original and unpublished papers. The papers may include but are not limited to:
Agricultural Science: Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Diversification, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Economics, Agroecology, Agrophysics, Animal Breeding, Animal Husbandry, Animal Nutrition, etc
Biotechnology: Industrial Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Agro- and Food Biotechnology, Vector Technology, Imaging Technology, Single Cell Technology, Nanobiotechnology and Biomaterials, Omics Technology, Plant Biotechnology, etc.
If you have any interest, please submit your paper via the submission system: http://www.papersubmission.net